Friday, September 11, 2009

Atleast You Have a Healthy Baby

One of the goals of the Connecticut Maternity Care Worst to First Campaign is to improve maternal birth experiences by opening more options in hospitals.

Today, something was said to me, which has been said before, but it doesn't piss me off any less when I do hear it. I am the mother of two boys, both born via cesarean section. One a completely unnecessary cesarean, and one that was very necessary. But it doesn't change that both experiences hurt, physically and emotionally. Now unless you have walked in someone's shoes through an experience like this, you shouldn't really try and comment about it, or think twice about what may come out of your mouth.

Having a healthy baby, or a baby born safety does not have any kind of connection to how your birth experience went, or if you were hurt (emotionally or physically) by the experience.
A healthy baby isn't all that matters. Birth is a fundamentally important event in a mothers life, and a woman's birth experiences will be with her for life, so when you have a negative experience, it is much harder to get over. You look at your beautiful babies, and how they make you smile, but in the back of your head you always have the experience of their birth, good or bad.

Some women can easily move on from their experience, some will be haunted by it till the day they die. But no one should ever try and disregard ones experience just because a healthy baby is the end result.

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